The African Kids Can Code (AKCC) Program in Cameroon: A Triumph in Digital Education

March 19, 2020

Nestled in the heart of Cameroon, the African Kids Can Code (AKCC) program has been making waves, illustrating the power of digital education in shaping the future of the nation's youth.

Initiated by the Glappy Foundation, the program has achieved monumental success, with nearly 500 kids receiving training in our esteemed partner schools, Educare in Bamenda and Gateway Schools in Douala. These students embarked on a transformative journey, diving into the world of coding and digital creation.

Armed with Glappy-provided laptop computers, the students, depending on their grades, were introduced to the foundational realms of Scratch, Scratch Jr and the more intricate intricacies of Python. Their hard work, dedication, and creativity were celebrated at the culmination of the program with the awarding of well-deserved certificates.

However, like all great ventures, the AKCC program wasn't without its challenges. Logistical hurdles were particularly prominent. From laptop malfunctions to ensuring the safe transportation of students from their homes to the classrooms, the journey was sometimes bittersweet. These challenges did place strains on our diligent volunteers who worked tirelessly to ensure the smooth running of the program.

But in the words of one of our dedicated volunteers, "It was all worth it." The tangible excitement, eagerness to learn, and the evident growth of the students made every hurdle surmountable.

Taking education beyond just the classroom, the Glappy Foundation integrated Google Classroom into the learning journey. This learning management experience provided a transparent window for parents to witness and support their children's progress. To further foster a sense of community and real-time updates, a dedicated WhatsApp group was established for parents. This platform not only kept them informed but also allowed them to garner support from fellow parents and our team of facilitators.

Looking ahead, the Glappy Foundation's ambitions soar high. Plans are in motion to expand the AKCC program in 2024, reaching more communities and amplifying the message of the significance of early coding education for children. And what better way to showcase this than through the AKCC show, envisioned to mirror the format of the popular "America's Got Talent"? This platform will spotlight the brilliance of our young coders, reflecting the joy and potential that coding unlocks.

The African Kids Can Code program is not just an educational initiative; it's a testament to what passion, dedication, and collaboration can achieve. The future of Cameroon's digital landscape is bright, and the Glappy Foundation is honored to be a beacon guiding the way.

For more updates on AKCC and other initiatives, stay tuned to our website.